Arming Teachers Should Not Be Made To Carry Guns In Schools

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Persuasive Essay Topic- Arming Teachers Teachers should not be made to carry guns in schools filled with students. Arming the teachers is not a good way to prevent shootings and would only increase the amounts of death if someone was attacking. Better ways to prevent shootings would be security guards, some type of metal detectors like the ones in airports or even door blockers which make it impossible to break into classrooms. Teachers have so many responsibilities as it is like grading papers. But expecting them to be able to bear yet another responsibility to protect a classroom full of children is insane. “That is not what we do as educators,” she said. “Our expertise, our job, our skill set is around teaching and instruction and supporting students and motivating them and inspiring them. It should not be part of our job description to learn how to shoot a gun. That’s what you do in the military, and that’s what you do as a police officer.” Teachers being able to shoot a threat during a threat is so unrealistic. Cops who have been in training for years and years still have an eighteen percent hit rate. Teachers who would only be trained for a little would have such a smaller rate. Some say that the teachers with a firearm would end the attack quickly but in reality it would be physically impossible for teachers to hit a …show more content…

In 2006, in cases where police officers intentionally fired a gun at a person, they discharged 364 bullets and hit their target 103 times, for a hit rate of 28.3 percent, according to the department’s Firearms Discharge Report. The police shot and killed 13 people last year.” The New York Police Department is one of the most popular and well trained academies in the world. Yet their hit rate is terrible for police and just to think that a teacher would get a gun just to miss, and potentially hit another

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