Argumentative Essay: The Vietnam War

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Based on the debate of the statement “The Vietnam War was an immoral and unnecessary act of colonial repression and opposition to it by almost any means necessary was justified and patriotic” I would agree with the conservative point of view. In other words, I agree that the United States had a reason to be in Vietnam and the people (mostly college students) at home protesting the war were unpatriotic. The Vietnam War was only a small part of a much bigger conflict involving the United States, The Cold War. By helping the South Vietnamese defend themselves against communism, the United States was fighting for freedom and standing up for what its people believe. South Vietnam was not the only country at risk; if the United States did not support its own interests and the interests of South Vietnam then not only would South Vietnam become communist but many of the countries bordering South Vietnam would also become communist. This war was a good example of the Domino Theory. In the end, South Vietnam and the United States did lose the war because North Vietnam invaded Saigon shortly after U.S. troops left, and to this day Vietnam is a communist country, but that does not mean the Vietnam War was pointless; The United States prolonged the fall of South Vietnam. North Vietnam did not invade …show more content…

troops in Vietnam, the Viet Cong, and the North Vietnamese, which embarrassed the United States and motivated the enemy. Not all the American soldiers fighting in Vietnam wanted to be there, which makes sense because they were sent their against their will, but on the other hand it was their duty as an American citizen to defend their country. Sometimes war is necessary, but when those soldiers kept hearing about how back in their own country, people were protesting the war and everything the soldiers were fighting to protect, it seriously hurt their

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