Argumentative Essay: Should Students Carry Backpacks

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There was a poll taken on the internet that anybody could take about students being able to carry backpacks in between classes and in classes. 10% of the people said we shouldn’t be able have backpacks in class, but the other 90% said we should definitely have backpacks. On the same site there was a argumenting section below it where people can argue why are why not. Most of the people that said no we shouldn’t have backpacks had a big concern with back and spine health and structure. Now that is true, but there are more pros than cons that have to relate to backpacks. Students wouldn’t have to go to their lockers or even use their lockers at all, backpacks don’t break as easy as binders do, students will be prepared for class by always carrying …show more content…

The largest binder in the world is 5 feet tall, 4 feet wide, and that still probably couldn’t hold all that stuff. Plus binders break really easily due to its laziness in design. A binder is 2 boards made from easily breakable wood pulp, surrounded by easily rippable vinyl, and the rings are just pushed in with some big pins. That doesn’t include it being thrown around, having big books on it, and carrying it around for 180 days. There are other solutions to this though, there are the giant binders with pockets and a strap. If it already has a strap why don't we just have backpacks instead. The binders are about the same thing just smaller, heavier and take up about the same amount of space. So shouldn’t those be considered a backpack as well?

On the other hand backpacks can be a small to serious issue. Schools mostly focus on how backpacks are a fire hazard, and that’s a very serious; very true argument. Bonneville high school students are allowed to carry backpacks around, and their school is even bigger in every aspect. The other not as serious issue is that the halls would be crowded and not as easy to move in, but not everyone wants to use a backpack because they can still use their

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