Argumentative Essay On Standardized Testing

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I think it is safe to say one of the most debated topics regarding education in the past few years has been the topic of standardized testing. It is said that standardized tests can help teachers and administrators make decisions regarding the instructional program. These tests also help schools measure how students in a given class, school, or school system perform in relation to other students who take the same test. However, many people feel that standardized tests are often poorly designed and administered and often don’t assess what kids have learned, and have “cut scores” deliberately set high so few students can get top scores. According to the article written by the Washington Post, there is something new that can skew a classroom’s …show more content…

All together that is about 45 million tests annually not included SAT, ACT or AP tests, that need to be graded. With the large number of test, pressure from the states to dumb down their tests is on the rise. This means switching from challenging tests with essay questions to multiple choice to save money and meet federal reporting deadlines. This means many of the tests that states are introducing contain many questions that require students to merely recall and restate facts, rather than do more demanding tasks or evaluating information. An Education Week survey shows that 42 percent of students are now taking state reading and math tests that are entirely multiple choice. These changes not only save time but money. I think it is safe to say that with all the changes to standardize testing in the past few years it has put some of our school systems under a great amount of pressure to raise their scores. Standardized tests can place a huge amount of stress on students and teachers

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