Argumentative Essay On Gun Violence

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Children are our future but yet many have died as a result of gun violence. The debate on gun control, gun violence and the second amendment are of popular interest to the general American public. The country has suffered so many tragedies such as Columbine, Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School. The commonality among all these incidents is that they involve school shootings and gun violence. In their everyday lives, Americans are constantly bombarded by the rhetoric concerning the advocates for gun control or opponents for gun rights and second amendment. The group, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a grassroots campaign of mothers promoting an end to the epidemic of gun violence that affects every neighborhood. The organization released a video on YouTube named “Gun Violence-Is this the #NewSchoolUniform?” that portrays a routine morning for a typical American family with Kindergarten-aged children with an interesting point: a little boy puts on his bulletproof vest before he goes to school. The overall idea is that this psa does an effective job in campaigning gun control and offers insight into American future if gun control laws are not enacted. To elaborate, this gun control psa relied mostly on context and barely used much text. The communicator, Moms Demand Action was founded in December 2012 in response to the horrifying shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The organization is all about gun violence prevention and enforcing strict gun laws to protect children. From a quick glance on its webpage, this group promotes mothers calling at Congress to establish gun reforms. Even though the primary audience is mothers, the psa could touch anyone who cares about children safety and it i... ... middle of paper ... ...ills one (1) out of three (3) children every three hours and fifteen minutes. So, even if an individual does not support gun control, the psa was intended to get the person to think about the unfavorable consequences of having no gun control in the future. In short, this campaign for gun control was very effective because most people are cognizant of the atrocious tragedies happening in our country and around the world, for instance school shootings. Most people would definitely agree with the message since gun reform is an everyday issue. The campaign used this colloquial discussion and emotional appeals to argue its thesis that Congress must pass gun control laws to protect its children and youths. Lastly, the campaign does a beautiful job in getting viewers to think about the inevitable and urges them to demand action from their state, legislators and federal.

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