Argumentative Essay On Evolve The Brain

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thereby alter life situations in the natural? What he found was that it is possible that the mind acts back on itself (as the brain) to cause physical and structural change.
Joe Dispenza suggests, in his book ‘Evolve the Brain’, that if we choose to solely rely on our genetics, we are struck with our traits: the good, bad, or indifferent. However, if we choose to alter our neuroplasticity and experiences, we can thereby alter our genetics as well. It is possible to make new synaptic connections in the brain by two methods: learning new things and having new experiences. A new suggested theory is that the brain can be altered by attuning to our conscious mind and refining it.
Neuroplasticity cannot occur without attention. For instance, if …show more content…

It simply has to cause a significant difference from the normal waking beta wave state in order to be classified as this kind of change. In the case of my anxiety and panic attacks, I would attribute the cognitive behavioral and environmental theories to be mostly likely the causation. As stated by Ellis, those who have negative core beliefs tend to catastrophize their life. Once I sought out counseling and began to work on my core beliefs of myself and the world around me, I regained advantage over my consciousness once more. I began yoga, meditation, and journaling, as well as regular self-care routines, and attribute this to my success of my lessening my panic disorder. The environmental theories also hold true, because as I started to experience less anxiety, I had also lessened my stress and formed stronger bonds between friends. The theory I least agree with, for at least my situation, is the anxiety caused by an irregular pattern of neurotransmitter release. I started to see positive results with absolutely no medication, only psychosocial changes and therapy. It is not that I do not agree that in some cases, a chemical imbalance is the root of the issue, for me I believe it was more behavioral based, as some of the first theories

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