Argumentative Essay On Epigenetics

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Epigenetics is what controls the expression on DNA and tells the genomes what to do. I found the topic of epigenetics so interesting. Honestly, I did not know anything about the topic of epigenetics, which is terrible because it plays such an important role our biology. One interesting thing that stood out to me while watching the Nova ScienceNow video is I had no clue identical twins could be so different. It makes sense how sometimes twins can slightly differ, for example Tia & Tamera Mowry. While watching them on television I use to distinguish by a mole, Tamera had a mole on her cheek and Tia did not. I never knew how that was with them being twins and having the same DNA. Another thing from the Nova ScienceNow video that I did not know is the Epigenetics can cause …show more content…

If people took care of their health you could live longer and your kids can live longer. Bad dieting cause negative effects on the epigenetics, those effects are avoidable, you can avoid different diseases and cancers. In the SciShow he talked about a study in Sweden about how people with poor diets died 6 years sooner than people with good diets. Watching the Nova video taught me medical innovations/treatments deal with epigenetics benefits us so much. Focusing on epigenetics could be the solution to everything and could save people lives. Nature/Nurture is important when it comes to epigenetics, your environment is everything when it comes to your development. While your genetics play a small role, what you are exposed to plays a huge role, especially for a child. Giving a child good nutrition and good learning helps them in health for when they are older. Exposing your child to toxins, smoking, and bad eating makes for bad health, more likely for diseases, and maybe even die sooner. Epigenetics controls so much in our body and I had no idea. Epigenetics is important and more people should be

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