Argumentative Essay On Cancer

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As can be seen, cancer is a disease human kind has yet to find a cure to. Cancer is a very serious disease that can lead to the news that can change someone’s life forever. Cancer does not involve one specific location of the human body. Instead it involves multiple organs and tissues that leads to over one hundred types of cancer. History of cancer is a very interesting topic, the first case of cancer dates back to 3000 BC back when the Egyptians were alive. Humans did not know where to really begin when cancer was first discovered. Early doctors believed that cancer was incurable and that the patient had a death sentence. Medical professionals are yet to pin point what exactly causes cancer. They have linked certain chromosome defects to specific cancers over the years. …show more content…

Doctors will recommend the most beneficial treatment to patients based on their cancer and the stage of the cancer. Genetics are a huge factor when it comes to cancer. Cancer is passed on through genes causing more and more people to end up with cancer. Treatments have changed drastically since the Egyptians discovered cancer. Doctors are able to make patients more comfortable and also give them more options for treatment. As human kind learns more about cancer, they have become closer to a cure. One of the biggest problems medical professionals are having now is cancer cells have become resistant to drugs used to treat patients. In the 1950s and 1960s the big trend of the decade was smoking cigarettes. Nobody knew the side effects let alone the addiction smoking could cause. Americans have gradually learned through medical research how terrible of a habit smoking really is. Smoking has led to one of the most common cancers which is lung cancer. In addition, one of the most traumatizing cancers to get is breast cancer. This cancer mainly effects women and leaves them with a permanent scar for them to bear that is if they

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