Informative Essay On Lung Cancer

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How is lung cancer treated? Treatment overview Before deciding on what treatment root you would prefer to take, your doctor will have to do a physical over view to determine what form of treatment would be best suited and safer for you.There are four basic ways to treat lung cancer: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. Treatment options and recommendations depend on several factors, including the type and stage of cancer, possible side effects, and the patient’s preferences and overall health. Surgery A surgical oncologist is a doctor who specializes in treating cancer using surgery. The goal of surgery is the complete removal of the lung tumour or cancerand the nearby lymph nodes in the chest. The tumour must …show more content…

This is:
Family History of Lung Cancer
It is possible to inherit defective genes that lead to the development of a family form of a particular cancer type. For example, certain genes influence a person's ability to metabolize some of the carcinogenic chemicals in cigarette smoke. An individual with inherited susceptibility that chooses to smoke may be at a potential risk of developing lung cancer compared to other smokers.
Risk is higher if an immediate family member has been diagnosed with lung cancer. The more closely related an individual is to someone with lung cancer, the more likely they are to share the genes that increased the risk of getting lung cancer. Risks also increase with the number of relatives affected. In other words the more family members that are affected the higher the risk of you becoming

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