Argumentative Essay: Guns Are Not Guilty

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Guns Are Not Guilty One of the topics that is coming up repeatedly in the United States today is whether or not guns should be banned. With the rise of mass shootings taking place, many people are blaming guns and saying that action needs to be taken to get rid of them. Others are denying this statement, claiming that it will not help to ban guns. While guns are being used to bring a great deal of destruction, the root of the problem is not gun use itself, and banning them will not alleviate the issue. Though it might seem cliché to say, guns do not kill people, but other people do. It is said a lot in defense of guns, but this statement is true. A gun is an inanimate object, that, albeit extremely dangerous in the hands of the wrong person, is incapable of causing harm by itself. Banning guns will not end violence. Although guns are not banned in New York City, there are very strict laws about obtaining and owning them. Even with these rules in order, the City …show more content…

Just because one weapon is taken away, it does not mean that an alternate will not be sought out. And while it may be true that guns are the most utilized method in suicides, they are definitely not the way this tragedy is carried out. While banning guns might cause suicide to become more challenging, it will not prevent the action. If an individual is desperate enough to escape their life and end it, they are not going to keep living just because guns were taken away. They are, unfortunately, more than likely to find another means to granting their wish of death. The argument that guns are rarely used for self-defense implies that they have been used before for this purpose. Even if they are not always used for protection, guns have saved people from severe injury or death before. If guns were banned, those people who relied on them for protection would probably be in a lot worse shape than they are

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