Argumentative Essay About Being American Veterans

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American veterans can be termed as people who have dedicated their lives towards ensuring that the America we live in today is safe. Veterans could be those still working in the country or those who already left the force and now trying to make ends meet in their daily lives. People commonly considered veterans in America include groups such as the marines, young sailors, soldiers, and airmen among others. These groups of people have left their personal things and families to fight for the a better America. They have left planning for their futures for the sake of protecting the territory and sovereignty of America. These men have acted as a tradesman for America in several ways. They have acted as diplomats, aid workers, and mayors for the American government. For instance, they helped Negotiate agreements with the tribal local leaders. As aid workers, they have assisted and mentored farmers and built schools. They have also run local governments and delivered electricity and water in many regions. From the above-mentioned things about being veterans, it is clear that they have done more than the country deserves. They have sacrificed to make sure that the people of America lead decent and free …show more content…

The high levels of homelessness and unemployment among veterans are wanting, the basic resource such as food, shelter, clothing, electricity, and water are crucial to their lives. Since it is not easy for government to provide all the basic resources, i will form a fund drive that would go toward catering for the provision of the basic needs of the veterans in our area. The drive will find the connection of veterans to electricity and clean drinking water. This connection will uplift their lifestyle and reduce their burdens. It is by these basic needs that the veteran will be able to plan for the future of their families since some tasks have been lifted off their

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