Argumentative Essay: A Case Against Gun Control In Canada

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Canada has been in an intense debate on the topic of gun control for a very long time now. Arguments are thrown here and there and people are fighting for their own beliefs, whether that be that only the government should be allowed to own them or that anyone should have the freedom. One end of the spectrum always has good points to them, but there’s also the bad, and it’s the same with the other end. There have been a lot of concerns about it to the point that everyone seems to be arguing about it every single day. Topics such as who should be allowed to own them, when are they allowed to use them, and what type of gun and where to get them are crucial to discuss. Guns should only be owned by people whose jobs are to protect and to defend. For example, we have our army. They would need to have access to them for defending our country and people. Since no one knows when something could occur, our armed forces need to be ready for any unexpected circumstances. It is also because they are properly trained and the purpose for using those firearms is …show more content…

This is a very controversial topic due to the amount of policemen killing innocent people and them saying that they were “just protecting themselves” when really the only thing that the person that they shot did was go to a convenient store to buy something and decide to walk home with his hoodie up because of the cold weather and before he even knew it, he was on the floor, lifeless. Quite unfair, right? But that’s when the reason of when you should only use it come in. You have to have a fair, logical explanation on why you decided to pull out your gun. You feel like you’re in danger when there’s a person walking in the middle of the night wearing a hoodie? Let’s be real, there isn’t any justice to that. You have to have a valid reason and if you don’t, there will be

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