Are Humans Inherently Good

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For many centuries individuals and theorists argued if humans are inherently evil or good. Individuals considered answering the question with inadequate explanations. As of most humans, they consist ethics and morals when interacting with humans which prove distinctly that humans are superior. Humans are believed to be compassionate and show empathy to others, have sentimental values and have sympathetic feelings and emotions towards others. However, individuals can also be inherited evil due to their type of environment like in a survival situation which displays signs of selfishness. Humans are inherently good because they feel compassion and empathy. Adam Smith argued that when a human inflicts pain onto another person they will feel …show more content…

He argues that humans enjoy the feeling of pleasure and happiness when humans help each other which make humans inherently good. Some humans try to avoid pain and try to avoid problems to prevent hurting other people. Having this feeling what’s makes a people feel good and touches people heart. Humans also have a hormone called oxytocin and this can be results of humans being virtuous. Adam Smith theory was later on tested and confirmed that virtuous behaviors are caused by neurotransmitter in human brains. The research confirmed that a release of Oxytocin can be a caused by behaviors such as caring and helping. Oxytocin being released can cause an increase in sensitivity and feelings of people around them and thus make humans community collaborate …show more content…

A survival situation can test humans mentally, thus making them show strong signs of selfishness.
Thomas Hobbes: The life of man in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, and brutish and short [4]... From this depiction, it can be understood that the natural condition of man is not good at all. It is miserable since man is an enemy to his fellow men. Hobbes implies that the natural condition of man necessitates some regulations; otherwise, he cannot survive, and he unavoidably leads a miserable life with the fear of being killed by his fellow men. (Wordpress.philau.ed the voice the-inherently-evil-nature-of-man).
Thomas Hobbes another philosopher argues that the environment of a human can cause a human to change or become more hostile because humans adapt to their surrounding area. He implies that if the human does not act the way they do according to their environment the human cannot survive. But, this is wrong because some humans will try to get away from their environment if it is violent and try to figure out ways to make things

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