Are Humans Inherently Evil Essay

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Are Humans Inherently Good or Evil? How exactly does the human brain work? Are humans evil by nature or are they good samaritans most, if not all, the time? As studies throughout history have shown, this is not the case. Humans are inherently evil because they are always seeking as much power as they can, revert to challenging authority and selfishness in times of peril, and become intimidated easily by “authority” figures egging them on, which is reflected in The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, as well as The Zimbardo Experiment conducted by Psychologist Phillip Zimbardo. Humans are inherently evil. Human nature is to take leadership when there is no “power” figure. This, in some cases, may be a good thing if the leader knows how to control his power and the things around him, but most of the time it turns out bad and they become similar to a dictator. In Lord of the Flies just after the boys’ crash on the island, they have an assembly to decide what will happen next. In the assembly, one of the many topics brought up, was who should be chief. In the midst of a near argument, ...

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