Apollo: The Twelve Roman Gods

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I. Family of Apollo
Apollo was one of the twelve Roman gods/goddesses who resided on mount Olympus. Jupiter (Zeus), the king of the gods was his father and Latona (Leto), the god of motherhood, was his mother. He was also a twin and his elder twin sister was Diana (Artemis), who was the god of the hunt. In addition to this, Apollo had four children: Asclepius (the god of healing), Orpheus (a great musician), and the two heroes Troilus and Aristaeus.

II. Apollo, the God of Music, the Sun, and Prophecy
Apollo is often known as the god of music, but he is also the god of the sun, medicine/healing, prophecy, oracles, plague, light, truth, and knowledge. He is famous for playing a lyre (a “u-shaped, harp-like instrument) and was the leader of the Muses. Muses were gods who specialized in arts and sciences. Apollo also participated in many music competitions against other gods and goddesses. Apollo, when he was an infant, was given by Zeus the gift of prophecy. Apollo was also the guardian of the Greek city Delphi. The first oracle of Greece was located in Delphi. Apollo was also considered to be a god of the sun, as he had the important task of moving the sun across the sky everyday with his chariot. III. …show more content…

Symbols of Apollo
Apollo is the god of music, and one of his main symbols is the lyre, which is an instrument similar to a harp. The lyre was actually invented by Mercury (Hermes), the messenger of the gods. Apollo was represented by wolf, raven, and lizard; these were his sacred animals. Firstly, the wolf is a symbol of loyalty or custody. Apollo was the patron of the city Delphi. Secondly, the raven is somewhat associated with the future and wisdom; Apollo was the god of prophecy. Lastly, the lizard is related to survival and regeneration, and Apollo was the god of

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