Ap English Romanticism Research Paper

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The word romantic first appeared in Germany. Romantic means the idea of an idealized view of reality. This belief had been used throughout the Romantic Period. The Romantic Period includes a movement in art and literature called Romanticism. This movement developed in the late 18th century and lasted to the early 19th century. Romanticism was “a reaction to many social influences: the unrest of the French Revolution, the excesses of the Industrial Revolution, and the widespread poverty and oppression of workers” (Mc Dougal 755). English Romanticism has five features associated with it: The emphasis on personal experience and the glorification of independent experience and High value on expressing strong emotion and the free play of imagination. …show more content…

This experience had been reflected upon where it was built up upon in much of his later works. His father, John Wordsworth, sent William Wordsworth off to Hawkshead Grammar School. His love for poetry had started to develop. It was believed that is where his first attempts on verses were made. He had also made an attachment to the surrounding countryside located there. That is why nature is a recurring theme used in many of his poems. While attending Hawkshead, John Wordsworth had passed away. Wordsworth was then left with his four orphan siblings. They all had been left in the care of different relatives. William Wordsworth then progressed in his education by studying at Saint John’s College in Cambridge. Before his final semester, Wordsworth spent the summer holiday of 1790 by going on a walking tour of Switzerland and France. This walking tour was considered the highest point of his college years. Due to this, He had become associated with the French Revolution. At first, Wordsworth had been supportive but then he later denounced it. This experience had influenced his poetry, but also his political views. William Wordsworth had a period of living in France that brought about his interests and sympathy about life, troubles, and speech of the “common man”. These elements had all been to be of the most importance to his …show more content…

During the Romantic movement, all Romantic writers focused on emotion rather than reason. The individual had to be the most important aspect in society. The primary concern of all poets was the value of nature and how the individual reacts. The individual had to be the most important aspect in society. The value of ordinary people was also another primary concern. All romantic poets had to include these elements in their writings. The negative effects of industrialization was something these writers reacted to. Also, poverty. There was horrible working conditions and oppression of workers. Nature was turned into truth and beauty. It was emphasized over

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