William Wordsworth's Poetry

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William Wordsworth's Poetry

gThe greatest and in the end the most influential of the English Romanticsh

( Britannica 675 ). That is William Wordsworth. Wordsworth changed the style of

English poetry. His poems are very well written and very beautiful. Many events that@took place in his life shaped Wordsworthfs poetic style. The most important of these@events was not one specific event at all, it was one that encompassed all of Wordsworthfs@life. The one aspect of his life that most shaped the poetry of William Wordsworth was@his love of nature.

Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland. As a @child, his father required him to study the works of Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton.

His mother died in 1778, and his father in 1783. After his fatherfs death, he was sent to@live with his family in Penrith. Wordsworth entered the University of Cambridge in@1787. He studied the subjects that he would be expected to study, but he was more@interested in the nature that surrounded the university. gBut more important than the@schooling was the Vale of Esthwaite and the surrounding fells, where nature herself now@began to take the leading part in his educationh ( Britannica 675 ). He took a walking@tour of France in 1790, and after his graduation in 1791, he returned to France, becoming@a very enthusiastic supporter of the French Revolution. In 1792, Wordsworth had a@daughter with his lover Annette Vallon. Shortly after, he returned to England. @Wordsworth was disheartened by the outbreak of hostilities between the French and@British, but he saw past his loyalty to his country and remained in favor of the French@cause.

The first of Wordsworthfs poems to be published were An Evening Walk and@De...

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...de.h He would see the daffodils in@his imagination. He didnft even have to be with the daffodils for them to have a@profound effect on him. He could lie on his couch, and the daffodils would help him. @Even though he couldnft be with the daffodils, he could dance with them in his heart, and@that was all it took for his mood to be lifted.

William Wordsworth was a very talented and very influential poet. His poetry@was not immediately accepted, but he was recognized as a significant poet before his life@was over. Many things influenced Wordsworthfs poetic style, the greatest and most@important of these things being his love of nature. Wordsworthfs poems are beautiful@and meaningful. He is certainly one of the greatest poets of all times.

The Book of Knowledge

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