Anne Frank Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech Analysis

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Have you ever faced a conflict and didn’t know what you were supposed to do? People all respond to conflict differently. Some face the conflict head-on and some people leave the conflict the way it is. Anne Frank from “Anne Frank: A Diary of a Young Girl,” Sophie Scholl from “Hitler Youth,” Elie Wiesel form “Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech” Bruno from “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: a fable,” Winston Churchill from “Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat,” and few other people all responded to conflict by facing it head on and not letting opponents interfere in their ways. When facing a conflict, stand up for what you believe in. Face it head on and don’t let other people stop you. One reason to face a conflict head-on is sticking up to your opinion, …show more content…

To start off, Elie Wiesel from “Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech” explains that he is mad about how people knew about the Holocaust but never did anything. The result of that was Hitler killing a big percent of the Jews. Paragraph 8 states, “Silence encourages the tormentor.” This shows that Elie Wiesel is telling us to stand up for what you believe or else it will not make the trouble get any better. In the same way, Bruno from “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: a fable,” explains that he doesn’t know anything and remains silent, although he knows what is happening is not a good thing. The whole plot of the story does not get any better because he doesn’t stick up for what he believes. He goes with the flow and never changes his thought of standing up. Furthermore, Watada from the online article Lt. Ehren Watada Faces Court-MArtial for Refusing to Serve in Iraq, says “I think it would have been an excellent opportunity to bring to light in a court of law, evidence and witness who could testify to the illegality and immorality of the war and its conduct.” This is saying that Watada stuck up for what he was believing, therefore what Watada is arguing for is known by other people, and the other people may help fight for this reason

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