Why Does Anne Frank Respond To Conflict In Maus

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Do your friends and family matter to you? If you are going through conflict it may be tough to overcome the battle and stay hopeful, but if you have something that gives you hope like your friends or your family and you really care about them that just may be your ticket out of conflict just like Anne Frank, the books Maus, and Dear Miss Breed. With your friends and family by your side is one of the best ways to respond to conflict. The character Vladek from the books Maus written by Art Spiegelman responds to conflict by his wife Anja. Vladek is only surviving because he loves Anja and he even helps her survive by saving the bread he earns and gives it to her. Anja also uses Vladek to respond to the conflict they are going through since he is all she has. In the beginning Anja had no hope because she didn’t know if Vladek was alive, then when she found out he gave her the hope she needed. Because Anja and Vladek are married and they are basically all the family each other has that is how they respond to conflict and they eventually both survive because of each other. …show more content…

Anne Frank responds by her dad bringing her movie star collection and postcards from her old room. So like her old room Anne plasters the postcards and her collection on her wall to help her feel more at home. She looked on the bright side of the situation. “Up to now bedroom, with its blank walls, was very bare. Thanks to Father - who brought my entire postcard and movie-star collection here beforehand - and to a brush and a pot of glue, I was able to plaster the wall with pictures. It looks much more cheerful.”, this shows that Anne made her blank white wall much more cheerful, thanks to her

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