Annalise As A Bitch Working Woman

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At the beginning of the episode, Mindy loses her purse, along with her apartment keys. In typical fashion, she invites herself over to stay the night with her co-worker Danny, who throughout the series she has had a sexually tension with. Mindy and Danny are foil characters. Their personalities completely contrast with each other. Danny is a uptight, conservative, Italian-American, Catholic and Mindy is an over the top, liberal, pop cultural enthusiast. When they get to his apartment building, they have a run in with Danny’s crazy neighbor who he had a brief sexual encounter with, and Mindy pretends to be his girlfriend as a way to get her to leave Danny alone. After she succeeds in convincing the neighbor that Danny is taken, Mindy tells …show more content…

Annalise can be described as the stereotypical “bitch working woman.” Her career takes over her life and ultimately all she cares about is her reputation. As far as I have seen, she has very few, if any, redeeming qualities. As a professor she is harsh and mean. She pits her students against each other, forcing them to compete against each other for the prize of working alongside her in trials and well as a trophy that would allow them to be exempted from their final. She also often tries to limit the sense of morale that some of her students, including Wes, may feel. To her a client is a means to an end, it does not matter is they are guilty. As long as the case is interesting or challenging, she will take. While it is easy for the audience to sympathizes for Annalise about her cheating, and possibly murdering, husband, however Annalise was also cheating with Detective Nate. And when she invited Rebecca over to meet with Sam, she was really trying to keep the murder investigation out of her home. It would ruin her career if she was associated with a murder. It is clear that her relationship with her husband is no longer loving and more out of obligation. She is ultimately protecting herself. Annalise represents the negative image of the working woman. Someone who will do and sacrifice anything for her career, even if it hurts the people around

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