Animal Testing In Schools

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The picture above displays a variety of animals from all walks of life. The exhibited animals are a: bird, monkey, penguin, elephant, fish, seal and a dog. Each animal is different from the next and they hold their own strengths and weaknesses. Horizontally they are placed awaiting instructions from the teacher ahead of them. Which he states, “For a fair selection everyone must take the same exam: Climb the tree.” These animals that are depicted in the picture above are just a mere representation of students in the school system today. Society believes that standardized testing is a fair judgment of child intelligence but it’s not. Each student has their own strengths and weaknesses that make them uniquely great and it isn’t fair to rate them on the same standards. School should be a place where a student can discover and develop his/her own unique gifts, talents, abilities, and passions (Bull, 2017). Not to be conformed by what people perceive as an equal right way of testing. At the same time, parents and teachers want their child …show more content…

Instead of turning a blind eye to their unique capabilities that make them great. According to Albert Einstein (2017), “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” For instance, the fish would not be able to climb the tree nor will the elephant, penguin, seal or dog. However, they can acquire other means of getting up that tree or partaking in other assessments to test their knowledge. Some student may not be good at English, but if you place a blank canvas in front of them, they can create an image that tells a whole story. Others fail basic math problems, but they are amazing negotiators. This is to say that parents and teachers should make time to tailor teaching methods for students that are falling

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