Analytical Essay: The Book Of Judges Revealed

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Before Samuel’s time, the judges ruled over the nation of Israel, and then the Israelites fell into disapproval with God. Then the prophets were called upon to redeem the people. In the book of judges it shows how these heroes were called upon to save the Hebrews from their enemies. It also shows that these three heroes were almost perfect despite Samson’s weakness for women and his great strength, Gideon’s heraldry, and Barack’s unwillingness to go into battle unless Deborah with him, and Ehud being left handed. Although these guys had some disadvantages God used these type of people to accomplish his great purpose. However, during Samuel’s leadership things started to become ineffective. Bickering started to spread throughout the population and According to “Ed Hindson and Gary Yates “Because a judge could only partially and imperfectly administer Torah (legislative function), execute Justice (executive function), and condemn law-breakers (judicial function), a king was needed who could be more effective in fulfill all three roles. The stories in Judges also, show that not just any king could effectively govern the nation but rather a king who honored God’s covenant” (1)

Why was Saul …show more content…

For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”(4) The nation of Israel was eager for a change. Despite the previous predictions warning Samuel that a king was to come from the tribe of Judah not Benjamin, the Israelites rushed into choosing Saul as first

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