Law And Gospel Essay

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For anyone who does not understand the distinction between law and gospel, Scripture will remain incomprehensible. In order to fully understand the bible one must first educate themselves with the distinguishing characteristics of both law and gospel otherwise they will regard the bible as being filled with discrepancies. According to Luther, law and gospel are two different ways the Word of God comes to us. Luther believed the Church has lost the message that God is forgiving and compassionate, instead the church adopted the view that God is a lawgiver. Luther acknowledged that law and gospel are in both the Testament but he linked Law more with the Old Testament and gospel with the New Testament.
The gospel is a narrative concerning Christ’s …show more content…

The gospel can be a synopsis or a prolonged message that one person can write stating the many works of Christ while another person may briefly describe Christ’s death and resurrection. There is only one gospel but it is described by more than one apostle just as there is only one Christ therefore there can be no more than one gospel. Consequently, we need to discard the idea that there are four gospels and four evangelists and adopt the view that there is only one gospel. Every time we hear the gospel we should perceive the sermon as Christ coming to you or us being brought to him. One must recognize Christ as a gift so that you do not doubt that Christ himself belongs to you. The gospel is a book of divine promises in which God gives us all of his possessions and teaches us in an affectionate and loving way rather than forcing us (Luther 73). Luther made it clear that “you do not make Christ into a Moses, as if Christ did nothing more to teach and provide examples as the other saints do, as if the gospel were simply a text books of teachings or laws” (Luther …show more content…

Luther states “the law is spiritual. If the law were for the body, it could be satisfied with works. Because it is spiritual, however, no one can satisfy it- unless all that you do is done from the bottom of the heart” (Luther 77). What Luther really means by this is that law can only be fulfilled where there is a spiritual heart and where that spirit is absent from the heart then there is sin and dissatisfaction with the law. A law is achieved by doing works which God decides if we are performing these tasks with the will of God from the heart. However, one will be punished by God for performing deeds when there is no heart because God is not satisfied by individuals who only do good works when others are watching or to get something in return. (Luther 76). Laws are meant to keep the sinful attributes of individuals under control through the fear of punishment. The law shows anyone that compares their life to Christ’s life who was without sin that he or she is sinful. God gave us law not because he is harsh but to help society maintain order and is also a guide so that we can know what good works will please God. The book of laws are found in the Old Testament which teaches what individuals can and cannot do. The Old Testament is comprised of the demanding of good, stories of how laws can be maintained or broken, and promising the forgiveness of sin (Luther 98). The apostles use the

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