Analysis Of The Tsogo Hotel Group

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1. Introduction
This is an assignment that involves analysis of a hotels mission statement. At first the student chose the cape heritage hotel, but when she went to speak to the general manager, Anja Du Plessis, she realised that not every business has a printed out mission statement, they might have a culture and they know what their goals are but they are too small to have a typed out mission statement. The student tried to find a mission statement of the southern sun hotel group. The Tsogo Sun Group is a very big hotel group that needs to have a mission statement so that all the southern sun hotels have the same vision and mission. They need to know where they are going to and what the main purpose is. The hotel didn’t want to give a mission statement to the student but there was something on their website that could tell the student a little more about the hotel group and its mission. Their vision and mission is to provide the greatest possible variety of quality hospitality, leisure, and gaming and entertainment experiences at all their destinations (Tsogo Sun. (n.d.)). The Prot...

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