Analysis Of The Giver

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A wealthy philanthropist and his friends are stalked by a dark entity that may be connected to his past. BRIEF SYNOPSIS: As young man TOMMY WALKER wanted to be rich and famous. When his car breaks down at Mile 35, a mysterious woman, BUENA, rescues him. She takes him to a cave and tells him that he can be wealthy. All he needs to do is take the statue of Dionysus. He agrees. She also gives him a stack of money. When GRETCHEN, his wife, sees the money, she wants to know where it’s from. He tells her he found it near Mile 35. Gretchen decides to go to the location to find more money. She leaves baby Lillah with Tommy. When she doesn’t return, Tommy goes looking for her and finds her scarf, patches of bloody hair, teeth, and a liver. He buries …show more content…

He lives in a mansion in Malibu. AGENT VULNUS has information about the disappearance of Gretchen, but Tommy doesn’t want to talk to the agent. At home, Tommy receives a mysterious dark package that contains teeth and a note that says “Three Days.” Tommy agrees to an interviewed by a TV Personality, but to his surprise LISA calls into the show and accuses Tommy of sexual assault. With the press hounding him, Tommy decides to leave town with his girlfriend PATRICIA, his publicist ALEX, and his adult daughter LILLAH (21). They head to his winter retreat. Along the way, he hits a deer, and when he disposes of the deer’s body he thinks he hears something out there. At the winter home, they hear strange noises. Alex sneaks into Lillah’s bedroom. Her father doesn’t know about their relationship. They do drugs together and make love. Outside, Alex thinks he hears a baby crying. He follows the noise and sees a 4-month-old baby girl wrapped in a blanket. He picks the baby up when something calls out for the baby and chases Alex. Lillah can’t find Alex. They search for him and find his lifeless body cradling a blanket of rocks. They take the body back to the car, but the car won’t start. They place the body in the

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