Analysis Of The Book The Help By Kathryn Stockett

813 Words2 Pages

Kalie Anderson Anderson 1
Mrs. O’Brien
English 9
April 7, 2014
Binding Fact and Fiction
The novel The Help by Kathryn Stockett is a New York Time’s bestseller, and with good reason. This work explores and uncovers numerous amounts of topics other books and writers would shy away from. Such as, but not limited to, racism, discrimination, prejudice, and segregation in the South during the nineteen-sixties. It also examines the lives of multiple characters including Skeeter Phelan, a writer determined to expose the hidden lives of the black maids in her community, Minny Jackson and Aibileen Clark, two colored maids living in Jackson, Mississippi during this time period. In addition to that, this novel helps create a sense of clarity and understanding of the lives of the colored in the early stages of the Civil Rights movement. Also, this work contains numerous important plot points that help reel readers in, creating a whirlwind of events that anyone would be interested in. However, none of this would be important without the location this novel takes place. Being the south, Mississippi provides the perfect setting to help add more roadblocks to the quest of three women against the world.
During the course of this work, many ideas and themes are portrayed and readers are able to view subjects that surround the main topic of racial injustice and intolerance. With the three main narrators, Minny Jackson, Aibileen Clark, and Skeeter Phelan, the audience quickly gains an insight on how racial inequalities affected everyone. These thoughts help to form a plot that can easily keep readers entertained throughout the novel. During the course of the novel, there are many points in the plot that decide the actions and events other cha...

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..., the ending of The Help presents numerous chances for most of the characters to achieve their goals and better themselves and their futures.
In conclusion, the ideas of prejudice and racial discrimination are the binding of the story, providing readers with an interest and a longing to finish the book. The novel also incorporates a various amount of details and important events that shaped the book to complete supremacy. Including hostile actions and fallouts of friends, the rebellion of the overbearing minority, and the complete destruction of a an everyday town. Also, the ending of the work involves the type of ending the general public expects, with a twist of heartache for the characters that did not quite come out on top. To conclude, The Help is a very popular book due to it’s tear jerking plot twists and down to earth characters almost anybody can relate to.

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