Analysis Of The Article 'Connect' By Lucy Marcus

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Lucy Marcus, one of Britain's best connected women, and the writer of the article what it means today to be "connected" speaks of three key dimensions of a connected life. Finding depth in your relationships both personal and professional by sharing ideas, developing them and putting them to good use. Next, having continuity and finding a way to work seamlessly whether over a Skype call, or meeting at Starbucks for coffee. The ability to mesh both the online and the offline world perfectly. The final dimension, and I believe the most important, would be authenticity. Being online or in person and being able to tell whether or not someone is being false is tantamount in building a connected to life. In my personal experience, social media has its ups and downs as far as making people more connected with their friends. It can definitely help a person to feel less lonely by giving them a whole world to talk to. However, it can get out of hand when out with groups of friends and everyone is on their phone. Life has become much more simple in the aspect of telling someone to just "add me on facebook" as opposed to taking the time to exchanging numbers. The downside to this would be the disassociation of "well they're my friend on facebook, but they're not really my friend." …show more content…

Posting a selfie that you think looks fantastic but no one likes it can be a killer to ones ego. Marcus starts out her article with a powerful quote. Only connect! That was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen as at its height. Live in fragments no longer. Only connect, and the Beast and the month, robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die. -E.M. Forster, Howards End

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