Analysis Of Love By Nims

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The poem is about a man who takes the pain to describe his lover’s imperfections but despite them, proclaims how he loves her. The poem depicts a man trying to explore the inside of a woman to know her and everything around him change as the fall in love with her. The poet suggests that there is more to a person than their awkward faults. The central theme of the poem is that no one is perfect, but love accepts and overcomes this fact. The poem takes the style of traditional love poem where each stanza has four lines. Nims employs stylistic devices such as irony, imagery and sound and rhyme to make the poem interesting and reinforce the poem’s themes. The essay will address the techniques used by poet and the underlying meaning of the poem.
There is the use of irony in Nims’ love poem. Irony is a type of figurative language that involves the use of statements that contradict each other. Nims gives the audience a bad perception of his lover when he refers to her as “My clumsiest dear, whose hands shipwreck vases” (Love 1), but later proclaims how much he loves her despite her imperfections. Nims also refer to her as “unpredictable dear, the taxi drivers’ terror” (Love 9), but later praises her other qualities such as her beauty. This represents contradicting statements which leave the …show more content…

Nims has used imagery in both precise and surprising manner. He has used words such as “red apoplectic streetcars” (Love 11). This creates an imagery of a streetcar while emphasizing on its red color. Similarly, through the use of lines like “Your lipstick grinning on our coat,” Nims gives an image of his lover’s lipstick signifying the joy of their love. Lastly, the poet brings out imagery of the pale headlights in the line “Shrinking from far headlights pale as a dime” (Love 10). This statement is also a simile as the poet indirectly compares the pale headlights to a

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