Analysis Of David Zinczenko's Whose Fault Is Obesity

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Whose Fault is it? Obesity is a complex topic with many different branches. With things like weight loss pills, workout programs, and thousands of diet plans each claiming they 're the best, it can become overwhelming to decipher what the best option is without a tremendous amount of tedious research. This being said, it is often easier to put taking action towards obesity on the back burner with our increasingly busy lives. It is much easier to think "I 'll worry about it tomorrow" while chomping down on a greasy burger than it is to take the time to manage our schedules in an attempt to make time for the research hoping to produce change. With that being said, whose fault is obesity? Is it the companies producing the foods with little to …show more content…

He begins by saying that while it may seem easy to avoid fast food and eat relatively balanced meals, it is easier to fall victim to than you may assume, based on life circumstances. His mother, for example, had custody of him after his parent’s divorce and was too busy working to provide for him to have time to shop for and prepare healthy meals. “Advertisements don 't carry warning labels the way tobacco ads do. Prepared foods aren 't covered under Food and Drug Administration labeling laws. Some fast-food purveyors will provide calorie information on request, but even that can be hard to understand.” is an example Zinczenko gives that even though consumers often times know fast food is bad for your body, but not to the full magnitude. These companies find loopholes to justify projecting calorie/content information that is either insufficient or perplexing enough that you would be forced to go to great lengths to uncover exactly how many calories are actually in your meal. Another one of his main points is the lack of alternative options. With a McDonalds on every corner and a busy schedule, it is almost inevitable to choose a drive thru burger rather than going into a grocery store to buy something you then later have to go through the trouble of preparing, especially for …show more content…

The food is not forced into anyone’s mouth, therefore it would be unethical to cast blame for the aftermath of consuming the foods. Even if, for the sake of humor, we did blame the food chains, we still could not assume the blame for a person being overweight was purely based on eating those foods. With an active lifestyle, it would be very difficult to become overweight. David Zinczenko himself states that had it not been for joining the Navy in college, he would still be overweight. Which has nothing to do with dietary habits. Between these two facts, we can confidently state that the viewpoint similar to the points made in “Don’t Blame the Eater”. Personal health should be as it sounds, personal. If you have the freedom to choose what you put into your body you should take the responsibility for the precautions that come with it. Like it is argued in “What You Eat is Your Business”, if we put more money/emphasis on these problems being a matter of our own conviction, obesity levels would drop. Health care costs would drop, and America would be a much healthier

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