Don T Blame The Eater Summary

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According to David Zinczenko in his essay “Don’t Blame the Eater”, he sympathizes with a group of children who are suing McDonalds for being the main contributing factor of making them fat. He takes the reader back to his own personal experiences as a 15 year old boy who had packed on 212 pounds due to having a very steady diet of fast food meals. He argues that part of the main problem is that there are no nutritional labels, or very little information regarding any nutritional information to be provided at these fast food restaurants. In his opinion, a person may order a salad and believe that they are being healthy by doing so, when in all reality, due to all of the processed added ingredients and high calorie salad dressings, this could be one of the most unhealthy foods to eat on the menu. Zinczenko also argues that this is due to the number of fast food restaurants around since when you “drive down any thoroughfare in America, …. you’ll see one of our country’s more than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants. Now drive back up the block and try to find someplace …show more content…

He believes this to be such a very real and serious issue especially with the increase of Type 2 diabetes and other diseases that are caused due to obesity. Going back to his own experiences as an over weight boy, or what he calls himself, a “1980’s latchkey kid,” he feels for other teens due to himself packing on so much weight on his “lanky 5-foot-10 frame.” Although it is not so prominently made known by Zincenko, he seems to be implying that the fast food industries should provide detailed food labels, and healthier food options, in order to put a halt to to this problem which is causing so many teenagers to have health problems, and that these cultural factors are causing obesity in

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