Dont Blame The Eater Analysis

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In the article " Don't Blame The Eater" By David ZincZenco he expresses his bad eating habits growing up as an American child. David explains how his mother worked extended hours at her job , and didn't have the time to prepare home cooked meals.In consequence to eating bad foods David resulted torpid and obese at the age of fifteen. David blames the little knowledge he had on the health effects caused by fast food; if he knew better ; he would of made wiser choices. Today in America the epidemic of obesity has increased dramatically due to bad eating habits .One of the results in cosequence to those who follows an unhealthy diet high in sugar and fat ;has been the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes . Unfortinitely, type 2 diabetes has increased by 30 percent in children suffering from obesity, and not to mention the medical costs to treat diabetes has increased to 100 billion a year . However, such deseases can be cured if fast food restaurants stated the health risks involved if such foods are consumed just like the tabacco company states the health risk involved when smoking.If David had known then the damage he was causing to his body he wouldn't have risked his health by eating bad food at such a …show more content…

Eating fast food atleast twice per day is like injecting venom into ones body that kills you slowly within time.America it is time to see junk food as it is ; a deadly substance . if one wants to live longer then it is time to make a change

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