An Event That Has Shaped Me Research Paper

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An event that has shaped my life, is when the series of terrorist attacks happened in the United States on September 11, 2001. This event has shaped my life because it put my family in an emotional state. The attack was brutal but it was also very devastating to my family. On that day we lost a love one, a best friend, a godfather, and an overall amazing person. The lost made my family stronger and it lets us know that each day is never promising. I can remember that day very well and recall where I was when it all happened. I would like to believe that the attack made the United States stronger and more of a unity. On September 11, 2001, a tragic event happened. I was five years old and my family and I lived on a naval base in Dahlgren, Virginia. My father, who is in the navy, was at work …show more content…

It lead me to know and comprehend that life can be cut short at any time for anyone. On top of that it shows that the fight against terrorist and the random attacks has no time horizon. Not only did the distasteful action of hatred shape my life and childhood, it furthermore shaped the united nation to be loyal and more powerful beyond measure. It gave me hope and satisfaction to know even when we have differences with one another, we can always stand tall and strong as one. It was my first real tragedy experience and it scared me - forever. It molded me to be grateful for the people that are in my life especially my parents. Being a child I didn’t grasp what exactly was going on in the world, but I knew that some kids in my age group were not going to see their moms and dads ever again. I took the catastrophe and saw it as an eye opener. I have learned that tragedy is inevitable and that you also have to learn how to cope with it. You learn that some people can get over it better than others and that it effects everyone differently. Although tragedy is considered a bad or inadequate experience, it is great for life

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