America Pros And Cons

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We the People Are Greater than Fear
November 8th is a very important day for Americans. This day is the day when American citizens select their president. This last election was very interesting. A lot of people who never give attention to politics found the political side in them in this election. The key of the suspension in this election was the republican nominee Donald Trump. Donald Trump had many racist speeches against minorities in the United states. At 2:00Am the next day, the election result confirmed Donald trump as the 45th president of the United States. Many people thought that President Trump is treatment against minorities was just political talk. However, after a couple of days in office President Trump took his first action by signing an executive order that stop Muslims from entering the United States. Many Americans around the United States protested against President Trump’s act. In these protests people used posters designed by the …show more content…

The picture in the poster is powerful and presents an important moment in the United States history. Strong messages in pictures is what Philip Gefter writes about in his passage” Photographic Icons: Fact, Fiction, or Metaphor”. The photograph shows how that American believe in diversity and they are willing to fight for it. Diversity is what make America strong.” Diversity: the art of thinking independently together” states Malcolm Forbes. Being different make the society richer. People think differently to do what make the society better. American show their support to diversity by standing along with the minorities when being targeted. For example, when Muslims were banned from entering the United States, All Americans gathered at the airports protesting. At these marches protesters used a poster of a photograph of an American Muslim that she used the American flag as a hijab,

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