All Poeple are good at Heart

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In the 1930’s, the Nazis gathered and killed millions of Jews. One of the Jews affected was Anne Frank. She and her family hid from the Nazis for over two years in an attic over an office building. During that time, she recorded all her thoughts and experiences in a diary. One of the most famous quotes written in her diary is, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” Some may not feel this quote is accurate, but I agree with this statement because even in the most difficult of situations, people are often trying to do what is right and just.
This goodness can be proven through people’s actions during the Holocaust. There were many people who helped hide Jews from the Nazis while risking their own lives and families to help others. This can be seen throughout different scenes in the play, “The Diary of Anne Frank.” First, many scenes take place in which Miep and Mr. Kraler risk their lives for Anne’s family and friends. They keep them hidden, bring them food, and share news about the outside world. When referring to their kindness, Mrs. Frank speaks of them with appreciation and affection. She says, “Mr. Kraler and Miep… they are our life line without them we couldn’t live.” (Goodrich, Hatchett, 530) This quote tells us how important the kindness of others can be in life and death situations. Miep’s acts of kindness did not end there she also hid a Jewish boy in her own apartment “meip’s life became even more stressful when she and her husband hid a Jewish boy in their very own apartment (The Billings 56). Another example of this kindness is when those hidden in the annex agree to take Mr. Dussel into hiding. Even though it means less food and less room for them, they do not even hes...

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...ere making the world better but they just made it worse. That is why I agree with Anne Frank’s statement.

In conclusion I believe that all people are good at heart. I believe that because when the Jews needed help the most, so many people came to their side. Also even when people do horrible things they do it with good intentions or for the right reasons. Those are the reasons why I believe that no matter what all people are good at heart and will do what is right.

Works Cited

Goodrich, Frances, and Albert Hackett. The Dairy of Anne Frank. Literature. Orlando: Houghton

Mifflin Hardcore. Publishing company,2012.510-564. Print.

Billings, Henry and Melisa Billings “Miep Gies a Dangerous secret.” Critical reading Series

Hero’s. Lincoln wood: James town publishers, 1999. 54-56.print

Remembering the Holocaust. Jonathan Ferrell. 2013 print

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