Advantages Of Pancakes

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Humans may be a great fan of breakfast foods, but not all breakfast foods are created equal. Pancakes, while sometimes favorable, can be inconsistent; waffles, however, are perfect in every way, shape, and form, eliminating user error. A pancake is made from batter, but a waffle is made from the hopes and dreams of mankind. Waffles are better than pancakes because of their consistency and equally sized portions, among other things.
Waffles can be made into pretty much anything, and aren't limited to batter. To make a waffle, all that is needed are two simple materials: a waffle iron, and food of some sort. If someone were tired of their flat, monotone flour waffles, then they would simply need to load the waffle iron with hashbrowns …show more content…

One of the highest authorities in the land of the American States United is the Original Pancake House; after all, they are the "ORIGINAL" house of pancakes, unlike some international versions you may see elsewhere. Their statement on the application of toppings is thus: "Thanks to the little square grid on both sides, you’ll never have any runoff of butter or syrup. The grid design, according to waffle junkies, makes them more acceptable for formal breakfast occasions. Sure, pancakes can soak it in, but most of the time, it ends up being a sticky mess!" ("Breakfast Face Off") If the original PANCAKE house favors waffles in this manner, surely all pancake lovers must convert to the great religion that is …show more content…

Maybe the "International House Of Waffles" was already taken? The main point is the fact that if a restaurant whose main marketing scheme involves pancakes, then why would they serve waffles? Well, the only logical answer here is that waffles are much, much better than pancakes. "They went there to eat pancakes," is what all the critics would say at this point, to which it can be explained thusly: iHOP has a reputation for serving pancakes, not waffles; however, they wish to begin serving waffles. After all, IHOP themselves say that "What’s golden brown on the outside and warm and soft on the inside? The one and only IHOP® waffles" ("Waffles").This is exactly what iHop is trying to do: Bring customers in with the promise of alright pancakes, but give them the opportunity to purchase even better

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