Adnan Syed Persuasive Essay

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I believe that Adnan Syed is innocent. He may have had something to do with the crime or known of it but Adnan was not Hae’s killer. He won’t say if he is guilty or innocent so we will never know but I know he didn’t. My first point will be that the whole day was based on one person. His name was Jay Wilds. Jay Wilds and Adnan Syed were considered “friends”. People described their relationship in many different ways like great friends and will do anything for each other. Others said they only smoked with each other and wouldn’t ever do something like that together. Again we can never know but I am with the side that says they were smoking buddies and Jay turned his back on Adnan. His stories didn’t match up when he was told to tell the police …show more content…

Everyone in the community described Adnan as a super nice, caring, athletic young kid. He loved Hae but would never have it in him to kill someone. Jay meanwhile was known as the bad boy of town or the guy you could go to if you needed something. That already raised suspension to me that he was involved and the people that thought Adnan was good friends with Jay would believe Jay. I do believe that the murder the day happened Jay was with Adnan. He based his story off where they were that day smoking weed or whatever they do and he could make his story of of that. Adnan was very good friends with Jay’s girlfriend. I would get very jealous and many others would if your girlfriend had this guy bestfriend and they were always together. Adnan would always buy presents for Jay’s girlfriend before Jay and just be the better man. My theory is that maybe Jay got so mad that he had to do something to Adnan and that was kill Hae Min Lee and blame it on Adnan a liable suspect. Maybe Jay didn’t know it would go to the extent it did or maybe that’s exactly what he wanted. I don’t and nobody knows what goes through other people’s minds and it could be the worst thoughts in the world. Maybe Jay did it maybe he didn’t but I don’t believe Adnan did

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