Adnan Syed Research Paper

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Wrong Place Wrong Time Can you imagine being convicted of first degree murder at only 17 years of age? Adnan Syed couldn't believe it either. In fact he was mortified when they charged him of brutally suffocating, his ex-girlfriend Hea Min Lee, to death. Adnan Syed was a pawn that the Baltimore detectives played with, a mere dupe to cast off as the true killer. Syed is like many Americans, he was never granted a fair trial. There is some actors that make Syed guilty, but perhaps it was just pure coincidence that got Adan wrapped up in this whole mess. One simply can't overlook the major factors that make him innocent enough to grant him a second trial. Adan has spent half of his life in prison, due to a wrongful conviction that happened many …show more content…

But, unlike Adan, Jay got off free of charge. Why is that? At the beginning he did not cooperate with the police. He was a drug dealer at the time and seeing as it was the 90s the drug laws were incredibly harsh. Perhaps, that's how he worked a deal out for himself. But lets face it, behind closed doors one will never know what truly happened. Our law is corrupt and twisted and so are the people protecting us. When Jay decided to work with the police there are documents missing of him being questioned by two detectives. We know that Jay spent more than a couple hours speaking to the detectives during this mysterious session, we also know that their session was never documented--meaning we have no utter clue what was truly being said behind those doors. Is that when jay worked a deal and pulled Adnan's innocence away from him? Jay's story was documented, but his first story kept changing, which seemed off, if he was there shouldn't there be one story and only one story? But his final story, the story that never changes is the one after the mysterious session. Although even that story has flaws. Many to be exact. He says Adan called him after he killed Hae, but we know that they were never friends, only mere acquaintances. Theoretically, would you call an acquaintance after you you killed

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