Act 5 Scene 3

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Act 5 scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet is the catastrophe of the play. The purpose of the catastrophe is to bring the plot to an end through the result of the character development of Romeo, Juliet and Friar Laurence. This act also expresses the major theme, which is what is said about love. Scene 3 takes place in the Capulet’s tomb, which represents most of the deaths that have taken place so far in the play. The scene also shows how everywhere Romeo goes a death seems to follow him. Being set at night the scene also portrays the ongoing theme of love causing death.

Romeo’s character development and his actions throughout the play cost him and Juliet their lives. Romeo in most of the book is surrounded by death. Whereabouts he goes people are decaying around him. This as well as his impulsive actions causes him to make decisions without thinking. His character in play encourages Juliet to do the same. An illustration of Romeo acting without acknowledging his actions was when he was in the tomb and he sees Paris there. Paris did nothing to him yet he still felt provoked by his present...

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