Essay On Impulsiveness In Romeo And Juliet

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“We met, we woo'd and made exchange of vow, I'll tell thee as we pass; but this I pray, That thou consent to marry us to-day.” (Shakespeare II.III. 60). Romeo’s impulsiveness is clearly shown through this quote that he states. The reason for Romeo’s impulsiveness is because he just recently met Juliet and he decides to marry her very quickly. Also this quote reveals to the audience Romeo’s hamartia. Since he is too quick and rash it will inevitably lead him to his fatal death; and through this quote you could see where Romeo went wrong and how it will greatly affect him. Furthermore Romeo leads the audience to believe that he is just infatuated by Juliet’s looks; due to the fact he was strongly in love with Rosaline and then all of sudden falls in love with Juliet and forgets about Rosaline which he claimed to be his one and only love. “Young men’s love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.”(II.III.65). This quote that Friar Lawrence states planted into the readers mind that Romeo might not be truly in love but rather infatuated. This tragic play takes place in fair Verona where a quarrel between two families takes place due to an ancient grudge. Both families, Montague and Capulet hate each other with a great passion. Two lovers named Romeo and Juliet are both from the two opposing families and they love and marry each other in secret without their families knowing. Because of their impulsiveness and rash decisions it causes them to lead themselves to die a tragic death. Foil characters aid to heighten or highlight an attribute in another character which furthers the plot. Romeo is heightened and influenced by secondary characters that eventually brings out his hamartia, peripeteia, and anagnorisis. These chara... ... middle of paper ... the mistake he had made. Mercutio’s death was the cause of Romeo killing Tybalt and it was Tybalt’s fault for killing Mercutio. Thererfore Tybalt provokes Romeo to reveal his anagorisis. Furthermore, the moment Romeo realizes his tragic act is when he kills Tybalt. After Romeo slays Tybalt he claims he is “fortunes fool” (III.I. 99). In regards to this Romeo claims he has awful luck and fate is against him because it was fate that lead Romeo to this misfortunate situation. Through this quote it is seen that Romeo feels remorseful which then verifies that he understands he did a regretful act. Therefore, this proves Romeo is a tragic hero because he had realized his fatal act (anagorisis). Due to the fact that Tybalt reminds the audience about Romeo’s mistakes and foolish actions, Tybalt inevitably acts as a foil character that accentuates Romeo’s anagorisis.

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