Shakespeare's Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet as Dramatically Effective

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Shakespeare's Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet as Dramatically Effective

Romeo and Juliet is a story of two "star-crossed lovers" who are

separated from two feuding families: the Capulets and Montagues. This

powerful story includes deception, violence, secrets and of course

love in which Shakespeare adapts so it has an enormous dramatic impact

on the audience.

Act 3 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet is one of the most dramatic of

scenes in the play. This scene is quite important especially for the

character Juliet who is involved all through the scene. This is

because Shakespeare makes dramatic use of what people know or do not

to build up tension for the audience and Juliet. To do this

Shakespeare plays one character against the other by using suspense,

excitement, sympathy, irony and other such dramatic devices to keep

the audience interested.

The scene within the context of the whole scene is based in Juliet's

bedchamber and in this case is very symbolic to Romeo and Juliet.

"Enter Romeo and Juliet at the window". This sets the dream like scene

that is quiet and peaceful. This is symbolic to the audience but also

Romeo and Juliet because it the first place they ever met and

ironically, the last place they will ever will before their fateful


Romeo and Juliet's interaction is quite romantic and the language they

both use are poetic and has metaphorical imagery. " It was the lark,

the herald of the morn" to "stands tip toe on the misty mountain

tops". Romeo talks of the stars as the "night's candles" as being

burnt out as the lark sings as it is day. This creates a special

atmosphere where Romeo and Juliet have spent ...

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the nurse's betrayal to force the audience to see Juliet's dilemma.

Although the audience may feel sympathetic towards Juliet, the

audience will be agonising over what Juliet is to do next. Juliet ends

the scene a gripping "cliff-hanger": "If all else fails, myself have

power to die", which is terribly ironic as this is what leads this to

her ultimate death.

This scene is very effective as we can the real characters are

revealed in a way with consequences. This scene shows that Shakespeare

must have understood human emotions well, and manipulating characters

made a massive impact on the play as a whole. This scene also shows

how love can bring happiness but also pain and suffering. I think this

scene is successful in the way Shakespeare conveys emotions to create

powerful plays such as Romeo and Juliet.

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