Achieving Successful Relationships

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5 Essential Factors That Contribute to the Success of a Relationship
Successful relationships are built on trust, love, communication, and honesty. It takes a lot of work and commitment to building good relationships. A lot of relationships have failed because both parties were not committed. Successful relationships – friendship, marriage or dating, don’t just happen, you need to create and build them. If you want to experience a loving and lasting relationship, here are some essential factors that contribute to the success of a relationship.
#1. Respect one another
Respect is the most elevating feeling with which a relationship can be successful. In a relationship, Love and respect work hand in hand, when you love your spouse, you should also respect them. When you respect them, it means you value them so much and it gives you both a chance to have a deep and long-lasting relationship. Respect allows you to understand each other, what you want and your heart wishes. It makes communication easy and you will discover that it’s very easy to share your feelings, thoughts and ideas with each other. You can talk about anything and listen to each other with admiration.

#2. Forgive easily …show more content…

If we can forgive our friends or spouse, we can’t have a lasting relationship. Harboring a grudge or sending out grudge thoughts or the desire to inflict suffering on the other will only destroy a relationship. Robert Browning, “It is good to forgive, but best to forget”. If we are willing to forgive and not forget, this is not forgiveness, for as long as we hold the injury thoughts in our mind, our hearts will be troubled, and this means our heart has not forgiven. If you want to have a successful relationship with your partner or friends, you need to forgive, forget and love

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