Aaron Burr

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Aaron Burr

There is has been much speculation as to who murdered President Thomas Jefferson in March of 1809. It is apparent that Aaron Burr had reasons for wanting the President dead. They had become enemies during their race for the presidency and remained on unfriendly terms throughout their time serving together as President and Vice President. When running for re-election, Jefferson dropped Burr from his ticket creating an even wider rift between them. Burr was known for his violent nature, having killed Alexander Hamilton during a duel, which they had entered into as a means of settling a dispute. It is also believed that Burr had intended to overthrow the United States government by carrying out an elaborate scheme involving the creation of a Latin American empire. Jefferson issued a warrant for his arrest after being informed of the plan. Thus adding to Burr's motives for wanting to murder him.

President Thomas Jefferson, who was found dead on March 1, 1809. Aaron Burr is considered a prime suspect in the case of his murder. The terrible relationship between these two men presents overwhelming motive for his committing the crime. Burr was approached by Jefferson and Madison to lend his support to the Jeffersonians in the election of 1800. They had sought his help in the campaign because of his influence in New York city and the New York legislature. Burr agreed to help and sponsored a bill passed by the New York Assembly, which created the "Manhattan Water Company" and generated money for Jefferson's campaign.

Aaron Burr is known as the Father of modern political campaigning. He was successful in procuring a victory for his slate of New York City and Electors over Alexander Hamilton's Federalist slate. This event further damaged the relationship between former friends, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. Burr with the assistance of members of Tammany Hall, began petitioning votes. He even went so far as to supply a means of transportation for voters on election day. He won the day and was then added to the Democratic-Republican presidential ticket in the 1800 election alongside Jefferson. With seventy-three electoral votes each, Burr and Jefferson tied for the presidency.

It was apparent that the party favored Jefferson for the presidency and wanted Burr to assume the vice-presidential position.

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