How Did John Adams Respond To The Alien And Sedition Act Dbq

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John Adams virtually eradicated his chances of easily winning the election of 1800 by defying the hardcore patriotic attitude of many Americans. Through his continued acts, regardless if they were what was best for the country at that particular time or is he believed morally that it was the correct decision, such as approving the Alien and Sedition Acts and helping the British soldiers that were involved in the Boston Massacre, he left no room for himself to take an easy path to the presidency much less any path to the presidency. The Alien and Sedition acts hurt John Adams’ image of a patriot and his chances of a another presidency. The Alien and Sedition Acts were signed into law by John Adams in 1798. They, among other …show more content…

People died fighting for this idea of a free country with amazing rights, and now John Adams was threatening what they all fought for. Many people were very mad and took this hatred mentality towards Adams, because of the Alien and Sedition Acts, to the polls. “John Adams was vilified by the Republicans for not vetoing the Alien and Sedition Acts.” He had the chance to stop what Congress was putting forth, yet he did nothing. Whether his intentions were for the best and he had the best in mind, it does not matter. The American public in general took it as a very hostile move and this definitely did not help his second bid for the presidency. Some people believed action needed to be taken in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Jefferson and Madison wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. These were two documents that basically stated that the states of Kentucky and Virginia saw the Alien and Sedition Acts that were approved by John Adams as unconstitutional. This was not good for Adams. “It really targeted the centralizing power of the Federalists”. When the federalists have more power that means that Adams will have more power.

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