A Rationalist's Mystical Moment By Barbara Ehrenreich Analysis

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The article entitled “A rationalist 's Mystical Moment” by Barbara Ehrenreich recants a “mystical” moment endured by the author who, a self-described rationalist descends from a long line of “hardcore atheists”. The author’s background is colorful as described by her biography in Wikipedia “… American writer and political activist who describes herself as "a myth buster by trade", and has been called "a veteran muckraker" by The New Yorker. During the 1980s and early 1990s she was a prominent figure in the Democratic Socialists of America. She is a widely read and award-winning columnist and essayist, and author of 21 books. Ehrenreich is perhaps best known for her 2001 book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Ehrenreich) Ms. Ehenreich’s mystical moment took place one morning when she was 17 years old, during what she describes as a “poorly planned ski trip”. Barbara woke up and stepped outside into the bitter cold. Most suddenly and violently she was thrust head first into a world engulfed in flames. She described the ordeal as a “heartbreakingly beautiful …show more content…

The author states “But we also need a Neuro science bold enough to go beyond the observation that we are “wired” for transcendent experience; the real challenge is to figure out what happens when those wires connect. Is science ready to take on the search for the source of our most uncanny experiences?” Ehrenreich goes on to explain that while there is no proof of God, there may be evidence of other forms of consciousness that may explain the origin of the Human/God experience and it is this origin that should be

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