A Profitable Home Recording Studio For $10,000

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A Profitable Home Recording Studio For $10,000 Jumping in to starting a business can be scary and investing in a home recording studio is no exception. There are many things to consider when doing so. How much will it cost? What gear will I need? What recording jobs will I take on? What will I charge? How will I network and advertise? I believe that I can open a profitable home studio for $10,000 mixed with my skills and gear that I already have. Before I get too in depth I need to discuss some assumptions about the situation. The first assumption is that I will be a home owner or at least a home renter when I pursue this business venture. If I were propose that this studio could exist in my current residence it would be an instant failure. The second assumption is that I will not need my recording business to pay my rent. I have a job currently and it is substantial enough to make a house payment or rental payment. The next item of importance is how I plan to make money with this business. But before I do that I think its necessary to discuss pricing and why my pricing will be as low as it is starting out. My goal (at least initially) is to make at least as much hourly as I do at my day job. This comes out to about $10 dollars an hour. As most people know this is nothing for recording. There are a few reasons for this. The first is that as a beginner I will most likely not be able to work as fast as someone who has been in the field for many years and records on a daily basis. It would be pointless to charge half as much as a seasoned professional when I work and make decisions three times slower. Of course this will change over time as my speed and expertise improves, but for now this is what I have to do. Another ... ... middle of paper ... ...n a band I have a lot of opportunity to meet other bands and promote my business. Also I’m considering starting another business with live sound and this will a great opportunity to meet more potential customers. I will also be aggressive with networking, going to more shows and putting myself out there more wherever I need to. Of course my website will be available and I will try to build a web presence. In conclusion I believe I have presented a pretty reasonable case for a profitable $10,000 studio. As you can see from the charts prior, according to my budget I have $620 dollars to spare. I might just spend this money on junk food. In reality I know there are many expenses that are hard to account for and this money would be ideal for just that. This plan only works if you have a strong work ethic and aggressive business tactics. I believe I have both of these.

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