A Memorable Experience In My Life Essay

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A memorable experience I've had in my life was being pregnant and giving birth to my daughters. Being pregnant and giving birth to my daughter was one of the hardest things situation in my life.
I had just turned eighteen when i first found out i was pregnant. I was very terrifyed just knowing the fact that my baby's father was incarserated and i was a dropout of school. so many things ran thru my head if i should keep the baby or have a abortion but i knew deep down inside my family don't agree in abortions , so it was even a harder situation. A couple weeks went by and just seeing my sisters with their kids made me really want this baby. All my sisters would do is talk about how being a mom was the greatest thing that happened to them and …show more content…

we had got our own place together.living together was very frustrating i was always moody yelling at him. i just didnt want noone near me. being pregnant was so tiring i have to admit i hated being pregnant especially because i hated looking like whale. during my pregnancy i hardly ate all i would eat was oranges. Thats all i craved and it would stress me out because i always wanted to eat something better but i couldnt take anything down but that.My twin sister has found out she was pregnat too.being pregnant with my sisters was strangley wiered because we would be with my mom and everyone would just stare but it was exciting at the same …show more content…

i was moody then ever just being tired of being fat and wanting her here already.Being in the third trimester was one of the worst. going thru the false labors and then i had braxton hick which felt like some was stabbing me. i couldnt deal with it anymore.Before i knew it i was asleep in the daytime and i had these strong pains. i got my babys father up and told him we had to go to the hospital , once we arrived they got me into the room and checked if i was dialated . they looked at me and told me no your baby isnt coming today . i was only two centimeters , so i had to go back home. when i got home it was already dark out i did some walking to ease the pain. I went to sleep fine but ended up waking up in the middle of the night with some more pains but i told myself they were just braxton hicks.i got up to take a shower once i got out i layed down but the pains got worst. My babys dad got me up and told me lets go we arrived at the hospital and they checked me and i was dialted to six. i had to wait in the trauma room until a room was open for me. i was in so much pain i couldnt stop crying. i told them i wanted pain medicine so they gave me some but that still didnt help. they finally had got me into a room i was still crying and in pain. I asked them for the epidural so they gave it to me. the epidural did work but not so much. i started to hyperventilate which was not good because i started to bring down my daughers

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