A Comparison Of Sports In America And The World

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When it comes to topic of sports, America and the World have a few things in common. We represent our sports at every angle. We constantly see the players shine bright on our television screens and in our stadiums. Every single person has this planet as a team. Most people are into one sport, while others have multiple teams that they stand behind. Two of my favorite sports include, soccer and football. I may not be a diehard fan like most, but I do love the spirit of the games. There is a conflict present at times as to which sport is really called “Football”. Europeans and most Caribbean countries refer to the game of soccer as such. In western culture, they coined the term football to represent a completely different sport and Soccer to them is what is called “Football” to others. There are multiple similarities and difference in each sport. Soccer and Football are mostly different with some notable similarities. One notable difference is their positions. Another notable difference is their skill set. However, they are similar in the team aspect. …show more content…

The set-up of the positions and players can change on the field based on the game. Overall the positions remain, there are defenders, mid-fielders and strikers. There are 11 positions in total but the formations vary. There is a goal keeper that is a part of the 11 team members, the position of this player is to guard the goal. On the other hand, in football there are 22 players on the field. There are 11 players playing an offensive position in the game and then there are 11 players whose goal is to play defense. At the same time there is not only one position guarding the end zone during a game, every player is responsible from keeping the opposing team from gaining what is known as a touchdown. Overall, soccer and football are very different in their

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