9/11 Research Papers

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When you hear about the day September 11, what seems to come to mind? Panic? Fear? Or sadness? September 11, 200l, also known as 9-11 was the deadliest day in history. It was a tragic day where over 3,000 lives were lost and many buildings were destroyed. On the day, 9-11, nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks on the United States. The hijackers intentionally flown two airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and the third plane crashed into the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, after its crew members and passengers fought back to gain control and to stop the terrorists from reaching their designated target. …show more content…

Feelings of insecurity have intensified and people have become more vexing. The aftermath of 9-11 led to airports upgrading their security rules and regulations and the government being questioned on whether we could entitle our trust to them. Airport security today is at an all-time high. People are checked and rechecked multiple times, bags are scanned and searched, certain items aren’t allowed passed the security gate. Many people take ground transportation over flying due to the fear of terrorist and their feelings of insecurity. Also racism towards middle eastern people have amplified. They are disrespected and treated unfairly in many situations. As for the government, our military involvement in Afghanistan turned into the longest-running war in U.S. history. In that time more than 6,000 American troops were killed, and around 44,000 wounded. Although formal U.S. combat operations ended in late 2014, the United States military remains there in an effort to help stem the ongoing Taliban insurgency. To this day 9-11 still have has an effect on many people, every September 11, a tribute to of remembrance and honor is displayed to those fallen firefighters, police officers, and to the people who worked in the Twin Towers. There is a memorial and museum in every crash site to honor every fallen being. September 11 is a day that no

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