7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens Book Report

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Do you ever feel that life is getting so busy and stressful that you just wish you could go back to grade 1 where you just colour and play with toys all day? Well sadly, I can’t arrange it for you to go back in time but, I can help you in a way where you could have enough time to play with toys and feel at ease again. I have recently discovered a majestic book called the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey. You may be thinking “Another useless book written by adults? N thank you.” But you are wrong. Many teenagers just like you and me have participated in writing this book by writing their own stories of how this book helped them. This book is split into 3 sections. PBA & Habits 1-3: Private Victory, Habits 4-6: Public Victory …show more content…

The PBA is not a literal bank account where you would put money in, but it will make you rich. The PBA is a way to keep track of yourself. Now, you could either make deposits or withdrawals but remember, you only want to make deposits you’ll be broke! Some examples of making deposits are keeping promises to yourself to accomplish more. If you make a promise to yourself and break it, you’re taking a withdrawal, especially if it was important to you. Another way to insert deposits if you are patient with yourself. Give yourself some time. The last thing I want mention is to be yourself because that’s the best thing you can do for yourself. On page 38 in The Habits book, Sean Covey quotes singer-actress Judy Garland, “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” This means that if you are yourself, you’ll be unique an one of a kind, but, if you try to be someone you are not, you’ll only be a fake version of that person. Not yourself. This PBA will help you be the best-rate version of yourself so make sure to fill it up …show more content…

Habit 3 is Put First Things First. Personally, I struggled with putting first things first as I was a procrastinator but, I have finally conquered myself and I am no longer in Quadrant 1! You see, there are different time quadrants which tell you if you are a 1. Procrastinator, 2. Prioritizer, 3. Yes-Man and 4. Slacker. You need to always stay on top of things and stay in quadrant 2 but it’s not easy, so you must work very hard for it to become a natural thing for you. Another way to becoming a prioritizer is to realize what your big rocks are and what your small rocks are. In other words, take notice of what is important first and those will be your big rocks to accomplish first. Only then will you have space for all the small rocks. Lastly, don’t let fear control you, control your fear. It’s okay to make mistakes if you’re trying to do the right thing. On page 121 in the 7 Habits book, Sean Covey says “Winning means rising each time you fail.” This is telling you that although you failed, if you are willing to rise and try again and pick up your broken pieces, that is winning. This is a hard habit to conquer but once you do it, it will change your

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