Summary of Adolescence:The Survival Guide for Parents And Teenagers by Elizabeth Fenwick and Dr. Tony Smith

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Book Title: Adolescence – The Survival Guide for Parents And Teenagers
Authors: Elizabeth Fenwick and Dr. Tony Smith
Date Published: 1996
Publisher: DK Publishing, Inc.

This book is exactly what it says it is – a Guidebook or Manual for both parents and teens that offers insight and advice on a wide range of adolescent developmental concerns. Organized into convenient topical sections for both parent and teen readers, the text can be easily consulted when seeking advice on a particular issue, or simply read cover to cover. Either way, the reader will find a wealth of practical advice for both parent and teen.
The authors approach their subject in a sympathetic and sensitive manner in an effort to ameliorate typical parent/teen confrontations. Sections intended for teen readers are highlighted in blue and written in a conversational style where the author is talking to the teen reader. Numerous quotes from other teens are interspersed within these sections to give the material a very user-friendly feel. Parents will find these sections very useful in that they provide a supportive and understanding perspective. They give teens a chance to step into the shoes of their parents and ponder their situation within a wide range of potential parental concerns.
The primary content of the book is intended for parents and goes into more depth than a typical teen section. Illustrated with easy to follow graphic organizers, the section intended for parents is packed with numerous case histories, tables and charts, questionnaires, dialogues, and issues common to families with teenagers. Of particular importance are the case histories, dialogue, and issue boxes.
The case histories are taken from real-life situations and present both problem and solution for a wide range of situations. These stories present the point of view of both parent and teen, which the reader can compare and contrast to his or her own situation. They also provide insight into the probable cause of the conflict as well as explaining how the problem was actually resolved.
The issues sections present problems that parents and teens tend to argue about. Issues such as style of dress and friendships are written is such a way as to provide a helpful “middle ground” position for parents to take while struggling with a recalcitrant teen.
The dialogue boxes present scenarios common to families dealing with teenagers. In addition to presenting a typical parent/teen conversation (such as playing music too loud or talks about drugs) these sections offer insight on how to discuss certain issues with your teens.

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